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Vertical Kingdom Torrent Game Free Download

Vertical Kingdom is a fun and challenging project that offers a new take on the city building genre. As a Grand Architect, you will be immersed in an environment on the brink of collapse, where the key to success is the ability to think vertically. The title’s post-apocalyptic setting complicates the usual city-building mechanics. Instead of developing a city horizontally, you need to build vertically, building buildings on top of each other and creating tall megacities. This unique twist forces you to carefully plan every step, as a wrong position can lead to instability and destruction of the city. OOne of the hallmarks of Vertical Kingdom is the card-based building system. Each turn draws five cards from the deck, each representing a different type of building.

This mechanic brings an element of strategy and unpredictability to the project, as you have to adapt to the cards that are dealt. The balance between the needs of the residents and the available resources and spaces becomes an interesting challenge. An important aspect of the title is exploring different regions and collecting resources. Leading expeditions to gather resources and discover new cards for your deck gives the game an exciting sense of adventure. The title also features random events and threats that don’t allow you to relax. From natural disasters to riots, you must be prepared for anything that could disrupt the stability and growth of your city. This is a new take on the city-building genre that will test your strategic thinking and creativity. This is a unique challenge that will keep you engaged for a long time to build the most impressive vertical kingdom in a survival fighting environment.

Game details

  • Title: Vertical Kingdom
  • Genre: Indie, strategy
  • Developer: Farlight Games Industry
  • Publisher: Freedom Games
  • Release year: 2024
  • Link to Steam